Mogal Goenkar Bhoinino ani Bhavano,

Goan Association Germany e.V. celebrates different functions. This section has reports of some of the functions.

Dev borem korum.

Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Saturday, February 08, 2025, 04:31 AM

Report of the GAG e.V. X-MAS PARTY 2007

held on 1st December 2007 at Frankfurt Preungesheim

The Goan Association Germany e. V. (GAG) celebrated their annual X-MAS PARTY on the 1st of December 2007. This party was scheduled to begin at 18:00 hours. A big surprise was that the people started trickling in much, much before time. Some guests were already in their seats at 17:15 hours. As the hall started slowly getting full, so too the organizational activities started getting more hectic.

Our guest-of-honour was Mr. Ajit Kumar, Consul General, Consulate General of India, Frankfurt and his family. Although we had a full house by 18:30 hours and the guests were having their snacks & drinks(we had a well-stocked bar), we officially opened the evening at 19:10, with the master-of-ceremonies welcoming all the guests and a special welcome to the guest-of-honour. Mr. Ajit Kumar was invited upstage to say a few words. Mr. Kumar was ever so glad to oblige and said he was happy to be attending this function. He also said that he is very new to Frankfurt and he attended a function of the Kerela Samaj and the Gujrati Community. He said he was happy with the diaspora of all the communities in Germany. Mr. Kumar wished the Goan Association Germany all the very best and to all the guests a Merry Christmas. The President of the GAG, Mr. Vito Oliveira, then thanked Mr. Ajit Kumar and the guests.

After building a very good appetite with lots of dancing, good music supplied by our DJ for the evening Reggie, the grand and sumptuous Goan buffet was officially declared opened. The guests ate to their stomach's full. During dinner there was a konkanni singing session performed by Michael Machado & Pinto, which was well appreciated by the people.

The highlight of the evening was The Nativity Scene narrated, enacted and performed by the kids. There was pin-drop silence and the guests were spell-bound. After this act these kids sang Christmas Carols. The guests appreciated it so much that (with a chorus of ‘once more’) they were asked to sing again.

This was followed by lots of dancing and then Santa made his grand appearance. The kids danced around him and subsequently Santa presented every kid with a gift and, after some time, to the disappointment of all the kids sadly he had to leave. After some more dancing we had a round of tambola. There were lots of wonderful prizes.

For the kids different activities & games were organised in a special room downstairs. There was Poker, Play station, cards, drawing and much more.

Shortly after midnight the master of ceremonies had to say goodbye to the guests and officially closed the evening wishing all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2008. He thanked them all and wished them a safe & pleasant journey back home.

Our special thanks to Michael Anita, Joanita, JoJo Fermino, Renate & Vito, Jerome, Zelia & Trevor, Gordon, Selwyn & Margareth, Avelar & Marina, Reggie & Theresa for all their hard work. Thanks to Victoria, Marianne, Kimberley, Allwyn, Kathleen, Jade, Jason, Karlisle, Carolin, Janice, Clarence, Annelie, Stencel, Liesenne & Clarissa for their acting & singing. Thanks to Matano for his support. Also thanks to John Cabral for donating the goodies for the kiddies. To Shanta, Ester, Antony & Lenny, Tim & Lucy, Jolwyn & John, Audrey, Rocque , Harish, Elfi & Brian Albuquequer and Sylvia - a big thank you too.

Till the next time - Deu Borem Khorum.

Report of GAG Family Picnic 2007

held on Saturday the 21st July 2007

The Goan Association Germany had their annual family picnic on Saturday the 21st of July at the Schwannheimer Park. It was not a very sunny day iniatially, but inspite of that, guests slowly started trickling in to attend. The organizers were very early there to ensure that a good & exclusive spot could be reserved. The BBQ fires got going at 10:30 hrs to make sure that the guests get their food on time.

We had lovely pork steaks specially prepared for us. We had very spicy, but very tasty too, pork sausages. There was also beef sausages. The Simoes’ also marinated chicken to grill, which was very tasty and well appreciated by all the guests. The guests brought along lot of salads, sweet-dishes and different types of rice.

We had a fully stocked bar. The drinks were sold at very nominal prices. The GAG Treasurer Mr. Jerome Simoes did a great job in managing the bar. Some guests even brought Caju Feni and shared with others.

We had an attendence of over 80 people. The food was free for all the members. The meal was officially declared opened at 12:30 hrs after the President of GAG Mr. Vito Oliveira giving a short speech by welcoming the people & wishing them a good day & enjoyment. After all the guests were fully satisfied & ate to their stomach’s full, we had a session of Mando singing.

The PRO of GAG Mrs. Joanita Bach made copies of different Mandos and distributed them to the guests to sing along. Although we did not have any conventional music instruments, Anthony D’Silva & Michael Mascarenhas (Gen. Sec) improvised and set in a good music-rhythm for the Mandos. Everybody took part in this very successful Mando singing.

Later we had a round of Housie. There were fantastic prizes and all were happy. The kiddies were not forgotten – there was a game of musical-hat for them too.

Even a thunder-shower at around 17:15 hrs didn’t damper the mood of the guests. Johnny (very graciously) sponsored ice-cream for all. It was a great oppurtunity for all to meet old people and get to know new aquaintences.

All in all it was great fun and enjoyment for all, so much so we’d to grill again in the evening so that the people could leave for home not thinking what to prepare for dinner. We wound-up at 20:30 hrs.

We, the organizers, greatfully thank all who brought along salads, sweet-dishes, rice , ice-creams, ice, etc. etc. All who volunteered to help, who brought their chafing-dishes and most importantly to all who attended. Till the next time from the organizing committee a very big "DEU Borem KORUM".

Report of World Goa Day and Goa Nite Ball 2007

held on Saturday the 16th June 2007

Goan Association Germany e. V. (GAG) celebrated the World Goa Day and Goa-Nite-Ball on the 16th of June 2007 in Frankfurt.

With over 150 people attending the function, it was a tremendous success. The hall was packed above capacity.

The Master of Ceremonies opened the evening with a welcome speech and then explained the meaning of World Goa Day. The GAG also had a beauty queen contest for the first time ever, which was a grand success. There were 13 contestants and after doing their catwalks and answering the questions, the final 3 were selected. After going through their though rounds Ms. Serena DeMello was declared the 2nd runner-up, Ms. Marianne Bach , the 1st runner-up. Ms. Kimberley Nunês was crowned the Goa Nite Queen by the President of GAG Vito Oliveira.

As an added attraction the GAG also had a troupe performing the Bollywood dances. The crowd amused themselves with some scintillating music, with lots of novelty prizes, very good food, a full-fledged bar and meeting old aquaintainces. For the youth there was a Play-station and later on a Youth-Disco. Even a Poker table was organized for those with a vice. For the kiddies there was drawing and other games. There were lots of prizes for the tambola too.

The out-going President Matano Gracias introduced the newly-elected committee to the crowd and wished them good luck in taking the GAG to bigger heights. The newly-elected members of the committee are: Vito Oliveira - President, Gordon Ferrao - Vice President, Jerome Simoes - Treasurer, Michael Mascarenhas ­ Gen. Secretary, Avelar Nunês - Joint Secretary & Joanita Bach - Public Relations Officer. The President and the vice-President also spoke on the occassion.

Although there were smiling faces everywhere, and the people just wouldn't want to leave, it was well past midnight that the Master of Ceremonies thanked the people for their support and co-operation, wished them a safe journey back home and officially closed the day. All left very satisfied and with heaps of praises to the organizers for bringing out such a lovely evening. In return the organizers promised to do even better the next time, in keeping up the rich culture & traditions of Goa.